Bruce Kirkpatrick

Seventh Annual University of Colorado MSTP Retreat


On behalf of the MSTP Retreat Committee and MSTP Student Council, we invite you to the 7th annual MSTP retreat! This annual event strengthens our MSTP student and alumni community by providing a forum where current MSTPs, MSTP alumni, and mentors learn about the ongoing research of current students and celebrate our recent individual and collective successes.


Dr. Melanie Cree, MD, PhD
Dr. Melanie Cree, MD, PhD is a physician scientist, pediatric endocrinologist and Associate Professor at the University of Colorado Anschutz and Children’s Hospital Colorado. Dr. Cree’s clinical practice is focused on treating adolescents with polycystic ovary syndrome. She founded and directs the Children’s Hospital Colorado multi-disciplinary PCOS clinic, published on this clinic model and guided the creation of similar clinics at multiple centers within the United States. Dr. Cree’s research program is focused on translational research in disorders of insulin resistance that affect the reproductive axis and cardiometabolic health. She recently completed 2 clinical trials to treat steatoic liver disease in girls with PCOS with an amino acid supplement and 4 months of oral semaglutide. She is currently conducting an NIH funded clinical trial to assess the effect of injectable semaglutide on rates of ovulation in females with PCOS and obesity. Dr. Cree is committed to collaborative research and initiated a multi-site data base study in 2017 to collect data in adolescents with PCOS and has obtained grant funding to expand this to 20 sites across the United States. She is also working with the Centers for Disease Control and National investigators to standardize testosterone assay ranges for women. Dr. Cree is dedicated to professional education and mentorship in PCOS giving presentations across the globe and mentoring all levels of trainees. Dr. Cree is a leader within professional organizations; she founded and was the former chair of the Pediatric Endocrine Society PCOS special interest group and is currently a board member for the Androgen-Excess PCOS Society. Dr. Cree regularly works with patient organizations, primarily PCOS Challenge.

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